Many of you have very generously supported two of our colleagues (who just so happen to be my daughters) in their quest to raise funds for the Susan G. Komen 60 mile Walk for the Cure. As most of our friends and associates know, I was diagnosed with breast cancer last December and underwent a bilateral mastectomy on Jan. 12th. In my case, the girls saw how much breast cancer research has improved over just the past couple of years. They wanted to do something to give back to that research. I sincerely thank all of you for the support that you extended to them.
Well, the girls did it. They walked all 60 miles this past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It was probably on of the most emotional events of theirs as well as my life. I was out of town and had to miss the first day. But Tim and I found where they were on Saturday and Sunday and cheered them on every chance we got. They call people like us “walker stalkers” and I don’t mind the title one bit. Now if you know anything at all about the greater Seattle area, they walked from Bothell to Everett, all around Everett, and then were bused into Seattle, walking all over Capital Hill and down to the Seattle Center. A good visual would be walking from Seattle to Olympia. That’s a heck of a long way.
The men and women who participated in this event were absolutely inspiring. Firemen in full gear were walking for the loved ones in their lives who died of this dreadful disease. One lady pushed an empty wheelchair the entire way for a special friend of hers. I saw women on canes and crutches. I saw tears and a whole bunch of cheers. If you ever have the opportunity to volunteer, walk, or finance a 60 mile walk in the future, I encourage you to do so. You will be totally moved by doing so.